16 August 2023
Certificate of Conformity № ЕАЭС RU C-RU.ЧС13.B.00639/22 for robotic fire suppression system

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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.ChS13.V00639/22 dated 22.08.2022.
Products: robotic fire suppression systems in general industrial and explosion-proof versions, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-005-16820082-2005 with amendment No. 5 ”Robotic fire suppression systems. Technical specifications”. Serial production
The products comply with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR EAEU 043/2017 "On the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment".
Certificate validity period: from 22.08.2022 till 21.08.2027