Products: Combined universal fire monitors, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-003-16820082-2008 with amendment 7.
Certificate validity period: from 24.11.2021 till 24.11.2026
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Products: Water-foam fire monitors, universal, with manual and remote control, stationary, portable, trailer-mounted (including construction versions: low - "n", ball-socket - "b", explosion-proof - "Ex") of LS, LSD types, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-003-16820082-2008 with amendment 7.
The products comply with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR EAEU 043/2017 "On the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment".
Certificate validity period: from 06.07.2021 till 06.06.2026.
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Certificate of conformity for explosion-proof fire monitors LS, LSD, FR-LSD. Explosion-proof marking is in accordance with the appendix. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-008-16820082-2015 "Explosion-proof fire monitor monitors" and the manufacturer's technical documentation for operation in explosive environment in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR CU 012/2011.
Certificate validity period: from 19.11.2020 till 18.11.2025.
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Products: combined universal fire monitors, with manual and remote control, stationary, portable, trailer-mounted LS-S20(15,25)U, LS-P20(15,25)U, LS-P/S20(15,25)U, LSD-S20(15,25)U, LSD-P20(15,25)U, LS-S40(20,30)U, LS-P40(20,30)U, LS-P/S40(20,30)U, LSD-S40(20,30)U, LSD-P40(20,30)U, LS-S60(50,70,80)U, LS-P60(50,70,80)U, LS-P/S60(50,70,80)U, LSD-S60(50,70,80)U, LSD-P60(50,70,80)U, LS-S100(70,80,90,125)U, LSD-S100(70,80,90,125)U, LS-V100(70,80,90,125)U, LS-S100/150U, LSD-S100/150U.
Certificate validity period: from 18.10.2022 till 18.10.2027.
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Products: explosion-proof fire monitors with control boxes CB-Ex: LS-S20(15,25)U-Ех, LS-P20(15,25)U-Ех, LS-P/S20(15,25)U-Ех, LSD-S20(15,25)U-Ех, LSD-P20(15,25)U-Ех, LS-S40(20,30)U-Ех, LS-P40(20,30)U-Ех, LS-P/S40(20,30)U-Ех, LSD-S40(20,30)U-Ех, LSD-P40(20,30)U-Ех, LS-S60(50,70,80)U-Ех, LS-P60(50,70,80)U-Ех, LS-P/S60(50,70,80)U-Ех, LSD-S60(15,20,25)U-Ех, LSD-S60(50,70,80)U-Ех, LSD-P60(50,70,80)U-Ех, LS-S100(70,80,90,125)U-Ех, LSD-S100(70,80,90,125)U-Ех, LS-V100(70,80,90,125)U-Ех, LS-S100/150U-Ех, LSD-S100/150U.
Certificate validity period: from 18.10.2022 till 18.10.2027.
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Products: Combined universal handline nozzles RSKU-20HP, RSKU-20WM, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-007-16820082-2015 with amendment No. 3 "Handline nozzles RSKU-20HP, RSKU-20WM. Technical specifications". Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 30.11.2021 till 30.11.2026
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Продукция: Стволы пожарные ручные комбинированные универсальные с регулируемым расходом РСКУ-50А, РСКУ-50Аэ, РСКУ-50Б, РСКУ-50А-АП, РСКУ-50А-АП "Прорыв", РСКУ-70А, РСКУ-70А-АП, выпускаемые по ТУ 4854-004-16820082-08 с изм. № 6 "Стволы пожарные ручные РСКУ-50А, РСКУ-50Аэ, РСКУ-50Б, РСКУ-50А-АП , РСКУ-50А-АП "Прорыв", РСКУ-70А, РСКУ-70А-АП. Технические условия". Серийный выпуск.
Соответствует требованиям ТР ЕАЭС 043/2017 "О требованиях к средствам обеспечения пожарной безопасности и пожаротушения".
Срок действия сертификата: с 21.12.2021 по 21.12.2026
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Products: combined universal handline nozzles RSKU-50A, RSKU-50A-FA, RSKU-50A-FA "Flush", RSKU-70A, RSKU-70A-FA, RSKU-50Ae
Certificate validity period: from 18.10.2022 till 18.10.2027.
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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.ChS13.V00639/22 dated 22.08.2022.
Products: robotic fire suppression systems in general industrial and explosion-proof versions, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-005-16820082-2005 with amendment No. 5 ”Robotic fire suppression systems. Technical specifications”. Serial production
The products comply with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR EAEU 043/2017 "On the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment".
Certificate validity period: from 22.08.2022 till 21.08.2027
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Certificate of conformity for explosion-proof fire monitors LS, LSD, FR-LSD. Explosion-proof marking is in accordance with the appendix. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-008-16820082-2015 "Explosion-proof fire monitor monitors" and the manufacturer's technical documentation for operation in explosive environment in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR CU 012/2011.
Certificate validity period: from 19.11.2020 till 18.11.2025.
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Type approval certificate of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for robotic fire suppression system № dated 18.10.2022.
Products: Robotic fire suppression system RFSS-2(32)FR-LSD-S10(20,40,60,100)U-IR-TV.
Certificate validity period: from 18.10.2022 till 18.10.2027
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Firefighting robots. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-005-16820082-2005 Robotic fire suppression system.
Fire monitors. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-003-16820082-2008.
Serial production.
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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.AZh58.V.00958/20 for control boxes CB-Ex EDA.5, CB-Ex EDD.2.
Products: CB-Ex EDA.5, CB-Ex EDD.2 explosion-proof fire monitors control boxes. Explosion-proof marking is in accordance with the appendix. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications 4854-010-16820082-2016 TU "Explosion-proof fire monitors control boxes CB-Ex EDA.5, CB-Ex EDD.2." and the manufacturer's technical documentation for operation in explosive environment in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulation TR CU 012/2011. Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 17.11.2020 until 16.11.2025.
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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.AZh58.V.00951/20 for electric drives ED.32, ED32L, ED.33, ED33L.
Products: EP.32, EP.32L, EP.33, EP.33L explosion-proof electric drives. Explosion-proof marking is in accordance with the appendix. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 28.99.39-014-16820082-2018 "Explosion-proof fire monitor electric drives EDD.32, EDD.32L, D, EDD.33L, EDD.34" and the manufacturer's technical documentation for operation in explosive environment in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulation TR CU 012/2011. Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 12.11.2020 until 11.11.2025.
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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.АА87.В.01173/23 for for electric drives ED.32, ED.33, ED.75
Products: electric drives ED.32, ED.33, ED.75
Certificate validity period: from 11.09.2023 until 10.09.2028.
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Certificate of Conformity № EAEU RU S-RU.AZh58.V.00956/20 for IP328/330-1-1 explosion-proof flame detector.
Products: IP 28/330-1-1 explosion-proof flame detectors. Explosion-proof marking is in accordance with the appendix. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications 26.30.50-011-16820082-2018 TU and the manufacturer's technical documentation for operation in explosive environment in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulation TR CU 012/2011. Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 16.11.2020 until 15.11.2025.
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Products: Fire towers. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-011-16820082-2017 "Fire towers". Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 05.12.2023 till 04.12.2026.
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Certificate of conformity No. ROSS.RU.OS01.N00036 with the requirements of regulatory documents at seismic action.
Products: Fire towers. The products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-011-16820082-2017 "Fire towers". Serial production.
Certificate validity period: from 05.10.2021 until 04.10.2024.
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