The key factors of the successful development of the enterprise and holding a leading position at the market of fire robots technology were the constant R&D activities. Cooperation with the VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia and major manufacturers of fire engines, work with design institutes and directly with customers from various industries allowed it to satisfy consumer demands in creating new models of equipment and improving already existing products.

Engineering centre of fire robots technology FR is a member of the following organizations:

  • NPP National Academy of Fire Safety Sciences (NANPB),
  • Technical Committee for Standardization in the Field of Fire Safety TC 274,
  • Federal Chamber of Fire and Rescue Industry.

Since 2012, the Engineering Centre FR is a member of the Methodological Council for Technical Regulation in the Field of Fire Safety under NANPB.

The release of products is carried out based on the regulatory and technical documents developed with the participation of our specialists:

  • Technical specifications for robotic fire suppression system TU 4854-005-16820082-2005.
  • Technical specifications for fire monitors TU 4854-003-16820082-2008.

In-house fire safety norms VNPB 39-16. Robotic fire suppression systems. Design rules and regulations. Company-specific standard STO-CTU 1682.0017-2015.

Engineering centre “FR” LLC participated in the preparation of proposals for the following regulatory documents:

  • GOST R 51115-97 Fire equipment. Fire turntable monitors. General technical requirements. Test methods.
  • GOST R 53326-2009 Fire equipment. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods.

The company develops and conducts promising and relevant R&D both for the Republic of Karelia and Russia as a whole. Among them are:

  • R&D work on firefighting equipment for forest fire tractor resulted in a more efficient way to extinguish forest fires located away from water sources and road infrastructure to conserve forest resources (commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Karelia).
  • R&D work “Development of a stationary robotic fire suppression system for fire protection of large concert halls, shopping malls, aircraft hangars, turbine rooms and other large facilities” (joint work with the FBGU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia commissioned by the Science and Technology department (NTU) of EMERCOM of Russia).
  • Joint work with the Solombala machine-building plant for the creation of a fire-fighting barge KSP PNS with a pumping station and water jet cannon, where the Engineering centre “FR” has designed and supplied high flow rate water jet cannons for the KSP PNS.
  • R&D work “Handline nozzles for equipping the fire engines with automatic flow control and variable stream geometry”. The use of these nozzles can reduce the extinguishing time, increase speed, reduce damage from fires and spills, and increase water use efficiency due to fire extinguishing with water mist.
  • R&D work “Robotic fire suppression system for the protection of sports facilities based on firefighting robots in a vandal-proof modification.” In order to protect firefighting robots from possible ball and other objects hits or from inappropriate human behavior, they are produced in the vandal-proof modification: when in the standby mode, they are in the protective housing, in the operating mode, they move out of the housing and start fire extinguishing. This complex is installed at the Gazprom Arena Stadium (St. Petersburg).


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