Name of parameters
80 90 100 125
Nominal pressure, MPa 0,8
Operating pressure range, MPa -
Flow rate of water (foam agent solution), l/s 80 90 100 125
Stream range (outermost) at nominal pressure, m, not less than::
- straight water stream 83 95 100 105
- dispersed (at a stream discharge angle of 30°) 53 58 61 65
- straight foam 74 81 85 86
Foam expansion ratio, not less than 7
G 3 1/2
GM-150 - 1 ps., GM-80 - 4 ps.
Сlimatic category in accordance with GOST 15150-69 U1, UKhL 1.1
Weight, kg, not more than 58
Useful information
Certificates All certificates

Products: Water-foam fire monitors, universal, with manual and remote control, stationary, portable, trailer-mounted (including construction versions: low - "n", ball-socket - "b", explosion-proof - "Ex") of LS, LSD types, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 4854-003-16820082-2008 with amendment 7.

The products comply with the requirements of the Technical regulations TR EAEU 043/2017 "On the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment".

Certificate validity period: from 06.07.2021 till 06.06.2026.

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