Name of parameters
200 250 330
Nominal pressure, MPa 0,8
Operating pressure range, MPa -
Flow rate of water (foam agent solution), l/s 200 250 330
Stream range (outermost) at nominal pressure, m, not less than::
- straight water stream 120 140 150
- straight foam 105 125 135
Angle range of a dispersed water stream, degrees 0-90
up -15 to +75
Сlimatic category in accordance with GOST 15150-69 U1, UKhL 1.1
Weight, kg, not more than 300
Useful information
Certificates All certificates

Products: fire monitors LS-S330(200,250)U, LS-S330(200,250), LS-V330(200,250), LS-V330(200,250)У, are manufactured in accordance with the Technical specifications TU 28.99.22-020-16820082-2023.

Certificate validity period: from 15.09.2023 till 14.09.2028.


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