"Engineering centre "FR" supplemented the line of automatic nozzles for fire monitors with a new standard size: with a flow rate range from 20 to 55 L/s.
Fixed and portable fire monitors are fitted with automatic nozzles as an alternative to the constant flow nozzles. What is their advantage?
Constant flow nozzles provide high-quality straight and dispersed streams and their maximum range at nominal flow. Firefighting water supply systems are not always able to provide a constant balanced flow and pressure at the fire monitor. Pressure and flow fluctuations can occur during almost any fire. This is due to changes in the number of monitors when maneuvering the positions of firefighters when extinguishing a fire, as well as when changing extinguishing tactics, introducing additional forces and means. In such cases, the stream range of the monitors with constant flow nozzles is sharply reduced when the flow rate is decreased, and when it is increased, the quality of the stream deteriorates, which also results in a range decrease. By maintaining the optimum pressure at any flow rate within the operating range, the automatic nozzles, in this case varying from 20 to 55L/s, provide high-quality water streams with a maximum range.